“This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy.
Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.” ~The Dalai Lama

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gratitude and Catitude

Sometimes I just feel almost overcome with gratitude. Right now, the feeling is inspired by an article I just read about twin boys, one of whom identified as female from the very beginning of his life. I can't even imagine the pain, anguish and confusion that father felt, saying goodbye to his son and eventually accepting and welcoming his daughter. I hope one day all such children can be blessed to be in a society that accepts them for who they are, and that their families respond with so much love. As for me, my gratitude comes from never having to face such a tremendous ordeal with my own two children. We went through enough drama and upheaval just with the usual middle school issues, I am thankful every day that they are both happy and healthy and have no major life challenges on this kind of scale.

Grateful also today and every day for my new job, the people I love working and being with who make me feel valued, and positive work that I love doing, in a beautiful environment. Work and life feel more in balance than they have in a very long time. Grateful for the sweet, warm, fuzzy, purring little kitty draped over my shoulder watching as I type this, even if she is a naughty Christmas ornament snatcher. Grateful for a refrigerator full of healthy delicious food. Grateful for a beautiful Christmas tree and the special decorations that each carry their own indelible memories. Grateful for Christmases past and people I have loved and who loved me, gone now but still ever close in heart. Grateful for breathing, for moving my body without impediment, for enough money to meet my needs if not all of my wants. Grateful for new opportunities, new friends, old friends, good coffee, warm winter days that make travel easy. Grateful for the shoulder massage of tiny little white paws.

A Pearl of a girl.

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