“This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy.
Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.” ~The Dalai Lama

Monday, January 7, 2013

Sunday and Salsa Ver-Day

My daughter gave me this cool set of beautiful bronze colored nonstick pizza pans for Christmas, and I tried them out today.

I've never successfully kneaded dough by hand, so for several years I used a bread machine. It worked well, but it took so long and made vertically tall and horizontally short loaves. Funhouse sandwiches, anyone? Then I found a handheld Kitchenaid 5 speed mixer that came with regular beaters plus a stick blender attachment and dough hooks (!!!) on clearance for $25.00 a few months ago. It was life changing. I gave the bread machine to my daughter and never looked back.


So today I started mixing up my usual pizza dough recipe, la la la, doop de doo...but, ummm, why does this dough feel weird?

It feels weird because it is weird. Because you grabbed the wrong flour, genius girl. (My daughter is gluten intolerant, so I have brown rice flour on hand for baking when she's here.) So, I just kept going with it; not going to waste food. Not now, not evah. Warning: inappropriate/hilarious video.

The label I misread...my own abbreviations did me in. A quick glance with my not-so-good glasses had told me I had BRF = bread flour, when I actually had BRF=brown rice flour. Now it's been put in a jar, unmistakably labeled.

The dough actually did rise, after an hour near a sunny window. It had a little bit of whole wheat flour and a little added gluten, so I guess that helped. The dough felt like gritty playdough. I baked them up, and they came out quite hard, but still edible. They taste fine, actually, not that I would ever make them with this messed up recipe again, but edible is good.                 

Then it was time to make the salsa verde. I spent many summer days cleaning, scoring and roasting countless tomatillos to fill the freezer. Note to self: never again plant five tomatillo plants. I just love chili verde, though, so all of them will be put to good use. 

Tomatillos, red onions, cilantro, good olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper, cumin, coriander, and fresh squeezed lemon and orange juices, since I ran out of limes. Soooo good, you don't even know. I really wish you could taste these pictures. 

 You may have noticed I like to save and reuse glass jars. I try to have as little plastic in my food and life as possible.
This. Tastes. Like. So. Good.

End result: mostly gluten free "toothsome" pizza crust, refried black beans, mozzarella cheese, salsa verde, and sour cream. I ate one and a half of these guys, and then immediately took a Sunday nap.

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